The movie, "Jenny" is directed by Seattle filmmaker Sam Graydon and presented by Bellevue-based Glass Forest Entertainment. It's one of several movies that will be included in "The Splinters," a gaggle of short flicks from Pacific Northwest filmmakers that will be released individually and, later, as a complete set.
The plot centers around "Jenny," a 17-year-old girl with a troubled home life who wants nothing more than to get out of Enumclaw and into the big city. Busey plays "Gary," a nudist who makes friends with Jenny and (we're guessing) teaches her jujitsu.
Filming is set to begin in June and the Glass Forest folks say that if you donate a decent amount of cash they may let you be an extra in the movie and meet the cast.
We're thinking about donating enough to send Jeff Swanson there just so we can get a side-by-side picture of him and Busey.
I mean, just look at Swanson below. He looks more like Gary Busey than Gary Busey does.